Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello, I'm an artist, 14, and I have a story to tell.

I found this place, because I found John Kricfalusi posting here. His theories about cartoons are informative in the right areas. I only disagree with about 4% of what he says overall.

So I find out that you can make a blog, so here I am. I should probably talk about something interesting though. Let's see, uhh...oh. I know. I can draw, kind of. This has been my best year so far, artistically anway. I've been taking drawing seriously for nearly two years now and having fun with art my whole life. Now I know that people like Scott Diggs Underwood and John K. post here and their art, I suddenly feel like a very bad artist.

Moving on. That wasn't the story, this is.

It was my mom's 38 birthday eight days ago, and she was with three of her friends, or two, I can't remember, when they were going to the mall on their lunchbreak I'll wager. I was not with her at the time. People who show up at the mall where I live, when you reach this certain area, you have to pay $2.50 at a tollbooth unless you're a paying customer. So my mom pulls up. She's a soon to be paying customer, but she forgot to get her ticket verifying that. So the tollbooth boy stops her. Now this guy is probably in a 4 by 4 teeny tiny booth. He's about my height, "5'6", except he's 62 years old. He's been working there for a while too. So the tollbooth guy and my mom have a small scuffle about what to do, since my mom doesn't want to pay $2.50 if she doesn't have to. The guy eventually gets so frustrated, he lets out a high pitched "JESUS CHRIST!". He didn't just yell it either. He flailed his arms around to the timing of his "JESUS CHRIST!". I wish I was there. My mom said something like this. "Okay, you little tollbooth troll, you've had your control freak moment for the day." She eventually payed the $2.50 to make the tollbooth troll shut the hell up. I'll always have that visual of that troll flipping the hell out. "JESUS CHRIST". The way I imagine it has a bit of Trey Parker in the scream.

If you read all that, "I can't believe you read the whole thing".

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